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关于举办“Syntenic Relationships of Cucumber and Chromosomes Revealed by Comparative Mapping”学术报告的通知

来源:   作者:孙光丽       发布日期:2011-07-05     浏览次数:


报告题目: Syntenic Relationships of Cucumber and Chromosomes Revealed by Comparative Mapping

报 告 人:Yiqun,Weng(翁益群博士)




  Yiqun,Weng: 美国农业部农业研究署蔬菜作物研究中心(USDA- ARS)研究员;美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校园艺系助理教授,主要从事瓜类遗传育种研究。1981-1985,南京农业大学,植物遗传育种,获学士学位;1985-1988,南京农业大学细胞遗传学,获硕士学位;1994-1998,Texas A & M University-College Station, USA, 获遗传学博士学位。


  Yiqun,Weng博士所领导的瓜类遗传改良研究实验室从属于美国农业部农业研究署蔬菜作物研究中心(USDA- ARS)及威斯康星大学园艺系。过去四十年中该研究室在瓜类作物遗传育种研究方面做了大量卓有成效的工作。尤其在黄瓜雌性系的发现与应用,黄瓜自交系的选育,黄瓜及甜瓜遗传图谱的构建等方面做出了重要的贡献并为世界各国同行所承认。研究领域目前主要集中在黄瓜种质资源开发(包括外缘基因的鉴定利用),重要性状遗传规律研究,遗传连锁图谱构建与基因定位,分子育种及基因克隆,瓜类基因组学、比较基因组学等研究。


[1]Cavagnaro PF, Senalik DA, Yang LM, Simon PM, Harkins TT, Kodira CD, Huang SW, Weng Y (2010) Genome-wide characterization of simple sequence repeats in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). BMC Genomics 2010, 11:569  (corresponding author)

[2]Kang HX, Weng Y, Zhang ZH, Zhang SP, Mao ZC, Cheng GH, Gu XF. Huang SW, Xie BY (2010) Fine genetic mapping localizes cucumber scab resistance gene Ccu into an R gene cluster. Theor App Gene 122:795-803 (co-first author)

[3]Miao H, Zhang SP, Wang XW, Zhang ZH, Li M, Mu SQ, Cheng ZC, Zhang RW, Huang SW, Xie BY, Fang ZY, Zhang ZX, Weng Y, Gu XF (2011) A linkage map of cultivated cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) with 248 microsatellite marker loci and seven genes for horticulturally important traits. Euphytica (accepted, co-author)

[4]Weng Y, Sun ZY (2010) Chapter 1 Major Cucurbits. In: Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Crop Plants series to be published by Science Publishers Inc (Enfield, NH)

[5]Vittal R, Ghosh N, Weng Y, Stewart BA (2010) Genetic diversity among Sorghum bicolor L. Moench genotypes as revealed by prolamines and SSR markers. J Biotech Res 2:101-111

[6]Weng Y,Burd JD, Perumal A, Rudd JC (2010) Geographical and host-associated differentiation of greenbug (Homoptera: Aphidinae) biotypes revealed by microsatellite marker-based phylogenetic analysis. J Econ Entomol103:1454-1463 (corresponding author)

[7]Weng Y, Johnson S, Staub JE, Huang S (2010) An extended microsatellite genetic map of cucumber, Cucumis sativus L. HortScience 45:880-886 (corresponding author)

[8]Weng Y (2010)Genetic diversity of Cucumis metuliferus populations revealed by cucumber genomic microsatellite markers. HortScience 45:214—219 (corresponding author)

[9]Weng Y(2010) 2008 Public sector cucumber research priority survey. Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report, Issues 31-32: 1-4 (corresponding author)

[10]The International Brachypodium Initiative (2010): Genome sequencing and analysis of the model grass Brachypodium distachyon. Nature 463: 763-768 (co-author)

[11]Luo H, JC Rudd, JD Burd, and Y Weng (2010) Molecular mapping of greenbug resistance genes Gb2 and Gb6 in1AL.1RS wheat-rye translocations. Plant Breed 129: 472-476 (corresponding author)

[12]Perumal A, Weng Y, Babu R, Manickavel A, Saraswathi DV, Balyan HS (2010) Chapter 2 Fundamentals of physical mapping. In “Principles and Practices of Plant Genomics Volume 3: Advanced Genomics” (editors: Kole C and Abbott AG), CRC Press, pp 24-62.


