报告题目:Global climate change, Cell signaling, and Sustainability.
报 告 人:Dr.June M. Kwak
报告时间:2016年10月24日 8:30-10:30
Dr.June M. Kwak,国际知名的植物钙信号转导领域专家。1997年毕业于韩国POSTECH,1997-2003年在美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校从事博士后研究,2003年-2014年任美国马里兰大学助理教授、副教授,现为韩国科技研究所(DaeguGyeongbuk,DGIST )以及韩国基础研究所(IBS)教授(professor)、美国马里兰大学兼职教授(Adjunct Professor)。主要研究领域包括植物钙信号转导、植物对干旱胁迫的响应、植物ABA/ROS信号转导等。在Nature、Science、Cell、PNAS、Plant Cell、EMBO Journal、Plant Physiology、Plant Journal等国际知名期刊上发表论文50余篇,截止2012年论文被引用4700多次,获植物抗旱相关的美国专利六项。学术兼职:任J. Plant Biology,Frontiers in Traffic and Transport,Current Cellular Biochemistry,Frontiers in Plant Systems Biology等杂志的编辑,是EMBO Journal, Plant Cell, PNAS, Plant Physiology, Plant Journal等国际知名杂志的审稿人,是NSF、The Leverhulme Trust(UK)、USDA、Israel Science Foundation、Estonian Science Foundation、Canada Foundation of Innovation、FondazioneCassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo、FWF(Austria)、Binational Science Foundation、BBSRC(UK)等许多科研基金及奖项的评审专家。
报告题目:Molecular, systems, and phenome analyses of plant life history and senescence
报 告 人:Dr. Pyung OK Lim
报告时间:2016年10月24日 8:30-10:30
Dr. Pyung OK Lim是韩国DGIST研究所Department of New Biology的系主任,植物衰老领域的著名专家。她1991年毕业于美国密歇根州立大学,获得遗传学专业的博士学位。1991-1993在密歇根州立大学微生物中心从事博士后研究,1994在加州圣地亚哥分校生物系从事博士后研究。从1998-2005,她是韩国POSTECH的科研助理教授,2005-2012为助理教授、副教授,2012至今为DGIST的终身(tenured))副教授,2013年开始为系主任。在Cell、Science、PNAS、Plant Journal等期刊发表文章近40篇。
Senescence in plants is one of the most dramatic developmental events we encounter in nature. In annual plants, age-dependent senescence and death is regarded as a life history strategy for a better fitness to determine its temporal niche in a given ecological setting.
We have isolated many key molecular components involved in leaf senescence process, providing molecular insights into aging and senescence control in plants. Nevertheless, to understand a system as complex as senescence, it is essential to study the system in its entirety. We have thus performed comprehensive analyses of Arabidopsis transcriptomes over the entire lifespan of the leaf organ at multi-dimensions. Comparison of the regulatory processes between the growth phase and the aging phase showed that the aging in plant is a highly coordinated process via multi-layered regulatory networks comprising transcription factors and diverse small regulatory RNAs. Thechloroplast transcriptome, but not the mitochondrial transcriptome, showed major changes during leaf aging, with a strongly shared expression pattern of nuclear transcripts encoding chloroplast-targeted proteins. Thus, unlike animal aging, leaf senescence proceeds with tight temporal and distinct inter-organellar coordination of various transcriptomes that would be critical for the highly regulated degeneration and nutrient recycling contributing to plant fitness and productivity.
Leaf senescence is an evolutionarily acquired process and thus the plants evolved in different ecological settings with different evolutionary tracks would show distinct pattern and regulation of senescence in nature. Studies of senescence programs in various natural accessions of Arabidopsis would elucidate how senescence programs have been evolved and diversified. We are now investigating features of leaf senescence among 258 natural accessions in Arabidopsis by examining dark-induced senescence responses through high throughput chlorophyll fluorescence imaging system. I will also present our current progress on establishment of phenotyping system and discuss potential strategies and tactics for phenome-level research toward understanding life history and senescence in plants.
报告结束后,Kwak和Lim博士将会对有意申请DGIST 2017年春、秋季入学的博士生、硕博生、博士后进行面试,请广大同学做好准备。具体地点另通知。