加拿大28预测开奖官网咪牌 - pc开奖结果预测加拿大


来源:   作者:   发布日期:2023-07-14     浏览次数:



孙国涛,1986年3月生,山西万荣人,硕士生导师。本科毕业于西北农林科技大学设施农业科学与工程系,硕士毕业于中国农业大学农业生物环境与能源工程系,博士毕业于丹麦技术大学化工系,主要从事设施农业、生物质资源利用和生态循环农业技术方向的教学、科研和推广工作。中国畜牧兽医学会养猪学分会理事,中国畜牧兽医学会家畜环境卫生学分会理事。主持国家重点研发计划项目子课题1项、省部级项目4项,地市级/横向项目6项,5年累计到位经费150万元。指导本科生荣获先后荣获第三届“互联网+”全国赛金奖、 “华裕杯”第六届全国大学生农业建筑环境与能源工程相关专业创新创业竞赛一等奖,2017年被评为西北农林科技大学大学生创新创业优秀指导教师。以第一作者/通讯作者发表中科院1区论文4篇,中科院2区论文4篇,授权国家专利6项。

2. 研究方向


3. 教学工作


4. 主持科研项目



(3)微生物电催化与厌氧消化耦合体系中的电子传递机制研究,陕西省博士后基金(2018BSHEDZZ20),5万元, 2018.04-2020.04。









5. 科研论文

[1] Xiuzhang Wang, Xiao Liu, Ziqi Wang, Guotao Sun* and Jianming Li. Greenhouse gas reduction and nitrogen conservation during manure composting by combining biochar with wood vinegar,  Journal of Environmental Management 2022, 324, 116349.

[2] Xiuzhang Wang, Qi Bao, Guotao Sun* and Jianming Li*. Application of homemade organic fertilizer for improving quality of apple fruit, soil physicochemical characteristics,and microbial diversity,  Agronomy 2022,12, 2055

[3] Xiao Liu, Xiuzhang Wang, Kang Kang, Guotao Sun*, Mingqiang Zhu*. Review on extraction, characteristic, and engineering of the Eucommia ulmodies rubber for industrial application,  Industrial crops and product , 180(2022), 1147330.

[4] Guotao Sun, Feizhou Li, Yanyan Dong, Yahong Zhu, Qiang Zhang, Yinquan Su, Mingqiang Zhu, Characterization and simulation of composite films synthesized by  Eucommia rubber and epoxy resin.  Industrial crops and product , 2019, 111780.

[5] Xiaohui Guo, Kang Kang, Gaoyuan Shang, Xiunan Yu, Ling Qiu, Guotao Sun*. Influence of mesophilic and thermophilic conditions on the anaerobic digestion of food waste: Focus on the microbial activity and removal of long chain fatty acids.  Waste Management & Research , 2018  , 36:1106-1112.

[6] Guotao Sun, Kang Kang, Ling Qiu*, Xiaohui Guo, Mingqiang Zhu. Electrochemical performance and microbial community analysis in air cathode microbial fuel cells fuelled with pyroligneous liquor.  Bioelectrochemistry , 2019, 126:12-19.

[7] Guotao Sun, Ling Qiu, Mingqiang Zhu*, Kang Kang, Xiaohui Guo. Activated carbons prepared by hydrothermal pretreatment and chemical activation of Eucommia ulmoides wood for supercapacitors application.  Industrial crops and product , 2018, 125:41-49.

[8] Guotao Sun, Diogo de Sacadura Rodrigues, Anders Thygesen*, Geoffrey Daniel, Dinesh Fernando, Anne S. Meyer, Inocula selection in microbial fuel cells based on anodic biofilm abundance of Geobacter sulfurreducens.  Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering , 2016, 24: 379–387.

[9] Guotao Sun, Anders Thygesen*, Anne S. Meyer, Cathode Assessment for Maximizing Current Generation in Microbial Fuel Cells Utilizing Bioethanol Effluent as Substrate.  Energies , 2016, 9: 388.

[10] Guotao Sun, Anders Thygesen*, A.S. Meyer, Acetate is a superior substrate for microbial fuel cell initiation preceding bioethanol effluent utilization.  Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology , 2015, 99:  4905–4915.

[11]Guotao Sun, Anders Thygesen*, Marcel Tutor Ale, Moses Mensah, Finn Willy Poulsen, Anne S. Meyer, The significance of the initiation process parameters and reactor design for maximizing the efficiency of microbial fuel cells.  Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology , 2014, 98: 2415–27.



Email:guotao_sun@nwsuaf.edu.cn; sgtrh001@163.com